Stimulus Measures – EU focused Responsible Tax Roundtable
On Tuesday 7 July the first roundtable in a series on tax policy responses to COVID-19 crisis was held. Sponsored by KPMG International and Jericho Chambers, a more detailed explanation of the program can be found here. The first event, attended by representatives from corporates and both the IMF and OECD, discussed what measures European-based multinationals thought would be helpful to stimulate economies once countries and jurisdictions move out of lockdown periods and into the recovery phase.
Africa/Asia/Pacific Responsible Tax Roundtable
On 14 July KPMG International and Jericho Chambers sponsored the second in a series of roundtables on tax policy responses to COVID-19. A more detailed explanation of the roundtable program can be found here. At this roundtable, multinationals based in Africa, Asia and the Pacific discussed what they thought would be helpful to stimulate economies once countries and jurisdictions move out of lockdown periods and into the recovery phase.
COVID-19 and Global Responsible Tax – The New Reality
In early May, Jericho and KPMG International hosted a series of expert roundtables to consider the various phases of response: Reaction, Resilience, Recovery and The New Reality.
COVID-19 and Global Responsible Tax - The Recovery Phase
In early May, Jericho and KPMG hosted a series of expert roundtables to consider the various phases of response: Reaction, Resilience, Recovery and The New Reality. The report from the second roundtable on Recovery is available here.
COVID-19 and Global Responsible Tax - Reaction & Resilience
In early May, Jericho and KPMG hosted a series of expert roundtables to consider the various phases of response: Reaction, Resilience, Recovery and The New Reality. The report from the second roundtable on Recovery is available here.
Business Life After The Virus: Who Pays & How?
Jericho Conversation on Who Pays & How? A Global Responsible Tax Response - with Pascal Saint-Amans, Director, Centre for Tax Policy & Administration, OECD; Femke Groothuis, Founder & President, Ex’Tax Project; Chris Morgan, Global Head of Global Tax Policy, KPMG; and Robert Palmer, Executive Director, Tax Justice UK.
Tax and Tech. – What’s Going On?
On 29 November 2019, a roundtable was held in London – hosted by KPMG International (KPMGI) and investment bank Stifel Europe – to discuss tax and the tech industry.
Communications. Leadership. Trust.
Robert's article is accompanied by a Case Study on the global Responsible Tax Project. True to these organising principles, Jane McCormick, Global Head of Tax and Legal Services at KPMG.
Talk Tax Not Trust
KPMG Global Head of Tax, Jane McCormick, and Robert Phillips, co-founder of Jericho Chambers and author of Trust Me, PR is Dead, argue that tax can be seen as part of the remedy, not part of the problem.
Talk Tax, not Trust
In this latest Opinion piece, KPMG Global Head of Tax, Jane McCormick, and Robert Phillips, author of Trust Me, PR is Dead, argue that tax can be seen as part of the remedy, not part of the problem.
Global Taxation - An inquiry into the future of corporate taxation in an era of digitization
In an era of globalisation and digitisation, do we need new "digital taxes" or wholesale reform of the Corporate Tax system? We are now inviting contributions to the latest conversation for KPMG's Responsible Tax Programme.
The Interim report, explores the key challenges in the evolving relationship between business and democracy. Download a copy of the report here.