Ahead of the Curves
Since 2018, Stifel Europe and President, Eithne O’Leary have hosted and supported our Ahead of the Curves programmes among expert communities, exploring current status and future trends in key industry and service sectors including:
Future of the Professions
Power in Technology
Ethics of Disruption
The Double-Wicked Challenge of Brexit & COVID
Each programme comprises a series of roundtable discussions, articles and podcasts – curated on behalf of Stifel Europe by London-based Jericho Chambers. Podcasts are hosted by award-winning journalist and BBC Radio 4 presenter, Matthew Gwyther.
Over 400 people have been involved in the programmes so far – a mix of business leaders; politicians and policymakers; experts, academics and authors; campaigners and civil society players; media and commentators.
For Further Information, please contact:
Becky Holloway, Programme Director
Programme Updates
This podcast in the Ahead of the Curves series, supported by Stifel Europe, has a focus on the subject of Experts and Expertise.
This discussion took place in January 2023 as part of the Ahead of the Curves series, in partnership with Stifel Europe. This phase of the programme focused on
the crisis surrounding democratic capitalism.
This latest podcast in the Ahead of the Curves series, supported by Stifel, is on the subject of the crisis of democratic capitalism.
This discussion took place in October 2022 as part of the Ahead of the Curves series, in partnership with Stifel Europe. This phase of the programme focused on the UK's Ambition for Growth and what will be needed to acheive it.
The British Government couldn't have made its intent more clear - it's grow or bust. But are the measures suggested to pep up the UK economy a fairy tale or genuinely sound ideas stymied by a coalition of antis?
This podcast is part of the Ahead of the Curves series in partnership with Stifel Europe.
This discussion took place in June 2022 as part of the Ahead of the Curves series, in partnership with Stifel Europe. This phase of the programme focused on defining the 'S' in ESG and ways in which it can help to solve the cost of living crisis.
This podcast, part of the Ahead of the Curves Series in Partnership with Stifel Europe, is about what the "S" means for employees especially those who are at the bottom of the pecking order and are being heavily squeezed in the cost-of-living crisis. What is the relationship between business and its people within the supply chain - many of whom may be on the other side of the world?
This discussion took place in May 2022 as part of the Ahead of the Curves series, in partnership with Stifel Europe. This phase of the programme focuses on the links between insecurity & Globalisation and the return of onshoring.
This podcast, produced in association with Stifel Europe, is about Davos Man's worst nightmare. The combined effects of the pandemic, Brexit and the war in Ukraine have sent levels of geopolitical and business risk right up. The interconnected, globalised world that Davos Man created is slipping into reverse. International trade and investment is falling and protectionist barriers are on the rise. Economies are shrinking and unemployment is growing.
We are looking forward to the next event in the Jericho Conversation series this summer as we interview Professor Helen Thompson about her latest book Disorder.
This discussion took place in March 2022 as part of the Ahead of the Curves series, in partnership with Stifel Europe. This phase of the programme focuses on the expectation placed on businesses to do and be seen to be doing ‘The Right Thing’.
This podcast interviews three individuals Angie Hobbs, Professor of the Public Understanding of Philosophy, University Of Sheffield; Sue Garrard, Fellow of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership; and Eithne O’Leary, President, Stifel Europe.
This discussion took place in December 2021 as part of the Ahead of the Curves series, in partnership with Stifel Europe. This phase of the programme focuses on a new sunrise for the Professional Services, Health Tech. and Competition & Regulation.
This Ahead of the Curves Podcast, supported by Stifel Europe asks: Post-Covid what does the future of healthcare look like?
This discussion took place in June 2023 as part of the Ahead of the Curves series, in partnership with Stifel Europe. This phase of the programme focused on the subject of Experts and Expertise.